Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your Landscape Beautiful Year-Round

Perth has an amazing, and unique, Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. It is a distinct climate that presents plenty of opportunities, as well as challenges, for those wanting to maintain an amazing looking landscape throughout the year.  


When it comes to landscaping in Perth, the right selection of plants, and a tailored maintenance plan will allow you to enjoy a thriving garden that looks good no matter the season.  


We’ve put together this short guide to help you keep your landscape looking its best throughout the year.  


Understanding Perth’s Climate 


If you’ve lived in Perth for a while, you’ll know what to expect with the climate, but for those new to the west, we generally see: 


  • Hot, dry summers (December to February), with temperatures often exceeding 30°C. 
  • Mild, wet winters (June to August), with temperatures rarely dropping below 5°C. 
  • Low annual rainfall concentrated in the winter months, averaging around 800 mm. 


Given this climate, selecting the right plants, and implementing appropriate maintenance practices are crucial for a healthy garden. 


Best Plants for Perth’s Environment 


You can’t have a beautiful landscape without at least some greenery and colour. Choosing plants that are well-suited to Perth’s climate is the first step in maintaining a beautiful garden. Here are some recommendations: 

Native Plants 

Kangaroo Paw: Known for its unique flowers and vibrant colours, Kangaroo Paw thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. 

Banksia: With striking flower spikes and tough foliage, Banksias are perfect for sandy soils and dry conditions. 

Bottlebrush: Featuring bright red flowers that attract birds and the Bottlebrush is drought tolerant. 

Grevillea: Coming in a variety of shapes and colours, Grevilleas attract wildlife and tolerate dry conditions well. 


Drought-Resistant Plants 

Lavender: Lavender’s fragrant flowers and foliage make it a popular choice, and it prefers full sun and well-drained soil. 

Rosemary: Perfect for the garden, and the kitchen. 

Olive Trees: Olive trees thrive in Perth’s climate, providing shade and producing olives with minimal water requirements.  


Year-Round Maintenance Checklist 



With dry summers, it is important to understand how frequently your chosen plants need to be watered. Experts recommend watering deeply and infrequently (as little as twice a week) during summer which will encourage deep root growth, with the best times to water being early morning or late evening to minimise the risk of evaporation.  


During winter, because we tend to see more rainfall, you can reduce your watering frequency even further. When those rains do fall, take the time to ensure that water isn’t pooling around the roots, as they can rot.  



Mulching is essential for retaining soil moisture, suppressing weeds, and regulating soil temperature. 

Choose organic mulch: Options like wood chips, sugar cane, or composted leaves add nutrients to the soil as they break down. 


Wear a mask and wash your hands after spreading mulch (and keep children away). Some mulches can contain fungal spores, and can be quite dusty, so it is important to protect yourself. Once watered down, there is minimal risk.  



Spring: Use a slow-release fertiliser to provide nutrients during the growing season. 

Autumn: Apply a balanced fertiliser to prepare plants for the cooler months and encourage root growth. 


You can help your garden through the use of compost and worm tea. It is quite easy to get a compost garden or worm farm going, and these provide plenty of nutrients to feed back into your garden.  



Native plants: Prune after flowering to encourage new growth and maintain shape. 

Deciduous trees and shrubs: Prune in winter while they are dormant to promote healthy growth in spring. 


Weed Control 

Regular inspection: Check for weeds frequently, especially after rain, as they compete with plants for nutrients and water. 


Manual removal: Hand-pull weeds or use a weed puller. Avoid chemical herbicides, which can harm beneficial insects and soil health. 


If you don’t have time for manual removal of the weeds, there are quite a few eco-friendly options including using weed suppressive ground covers, scalding them with boiling water, spray with vinegar (carefully or you could kill your plants) or sprinkle with table salt.  


Pest and Disease Management 

Natural predators: Encourage beneficial insects like ladybirds and predatory wasps that feed on pests. 


Healthy soil: Maintain healthy soil with organic matter to reduce plant stress and vulnerability to diseases. 


Regular monitoring: Inspect plants regularly for signs of pests or disease. Use organic treatments like neem oil or insecticidal soap if needed. 


If plants become too diseased or you start to notice a lot of pests destroying the plant, it is best to remove it so that it doesn’t spread to other plants.  


Soil Health 

Composting: Add compost to improve soil structure and fertility. Composting kitchen scraps and garden waste reduces the need for synthetic fertilisers. 


pH testing: Test soil pH annually. Most plants prefer a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. Amend soil as necessary with lime to raise pH or sulphur to lower it. 


Seasonal Tasks for Perth Gardens 



  • Provide shade for sensitive plants using shade cloths or by strategically placing larger plants nearby.  
  • Ensure plants are well-watered, especially during heatwaves. Use a drip irrigation system for efficient water use. 
  • Refresh mulch to conserve moisture. 



  • Ideal for planting new trees, shrubs, and perennials as the soil is still warm and rainfall is increasing. 
  • Apply a balanced fertiliser to strengthen plants before winter. 
  • Remove fallen leaves and debris to prevent pests and diseases. 



  • Prune deciduous trees and shrubs. 
  • If you live in an area with the occasional frost, consider using frost cloth or move potted plants to sheltered areas during cold snaps. 



  • The best time to plant new additions and transplant existing plants. 
  • Use a slow-release fertiliser to support new growth. 
  • Keep an eye out for pests and treat them early. 


Sustainable Practices for Perth Gardens 

Sustainable gardens are a fantastic option here in Perth, and perfect for those who love a good garden, but may not have a lot of time to look after it. While these sustainability practices may take a little while to set up or get going, once you master it, you’ll have more time to enjoy the outdoors.  


Water Conservation 

  • Install drip irrigation to minimise water waste and deliver moisture directly to the root zone. 
  • Use tanks to collect and store rainwater for irrigation. 
  • Focus on planting species that require less water, reducing overall consumption. 


Soil Conservation 

  • Use ground covers and mulch to protect soil from erosion, especially on slopes. 
  • Regularly add organic matter like compost to improve soil health and structure. 


Wildlife-Friendly Practices 

  • Plant native species to provide habitat and food for local wildlife. 
  • Include birdbaths or small water features to attract birds and beneficial insects. 
  • Consider installing a frog hotel to give frogs somewhere safe to rest.  
  • Reduce or eliminate the use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers to protect wildlife and soil health. 


Maintaining a beautiful landscape year-round in Perth requires an understanding of the local climate and the right selection of plants but it is completely possible.  

Not sure where to start? Our experienced team can ensure that you can enjoy a stunning, thriving garden in every season. We’ll even give you some more handy tips to keep your landscaping looking great.